Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, 18 April 2009

April Texture Photo Challenge

OK, this was a tough one – lovely photo supplied by Terri!  We all ended up with some wonderful colours and textures!  Here is the original :

And below, in no particular order, your artistic creations!

Textures : Ghostbones, LivE Design Paper

Texture : her own

Textures : Pareeerica, Ghost Bones, Shelley Freedman, BB free textures and one of her own

Texture : Coffee Shop

Textures : Ghostbones, PinkSherbert Photography

Textures : Kiho-chan, Filthy diamonds, Darkrose42, Spiritcoda

Textures : Alexis Miller

Textures : Eddi07, Ghostbones

Textures : NinianLif, Groundfloor and her own

Textures : Absolute Cross, Brushes : Obsidian Dawn

Textures : ArtByChristy

WOW – amazing work everyone!!!